Sail By Summer / Facing Dullness / Single Review


The song is a constant balance between opposite strengths: melancholy against energy, stillness against action, movement against contemplation. It is a beautiful work of art by two mature musicians who know what they want and how to deliver that.

Facing Dullness is the second single by Scandinavian indie pop-rock band Sail By Summer.


A lucky encounter between Norwegian singer (and Grammy award winner) William Hut and Danish keyboardist Jens Kristian, the duo is collecting one success after another with their energy-fuelled alternative pop songs, setting themselves as one of the coolest indie acts of 2019.

Facing Dullness is a deep meditation about the indifference and the hypocrisy that pervade our modern society. While the theme explored might suggest a hint of melancholy, which is indeed present, the track is filled with electro-pop energy, often digressing into rock-packed guitar riffs. A modern yet heartfelt production, with a nice balance between the inspiration coming from the peaceful Scandinavian landscape and the search for a contemporary sound, Facing Dullness is original, relatable, and quite fun to listen to.


The song is a constant balance between opposite strengths: melancholy against energy, stillness against action, movement against contemplation. It is a beautiful work of art by two mature musicians who know what they want and how to deliver that.


The synergy between William Hut’s soft, almost shy, vocals and the energetic arrangement on the background matches this peculiarity and the complex, contradictory nature of the song.


Facing Dullness is brilliant, bright, but also reflective. It is a must for exigent listeners who look for something deeper in a song. It is also a pleasant listen, to enjoy at a party or in the loneliness of one’s room alike.


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