Said Sara / Then There You Are / Single Review


Said Sara’s latest single, “Then There You Are,” is a beautiful tribute to those we’ve lost but still feel around us. It’s a blend of introspective and expansive, capturing the timeless presence of loved ones in the grand tapestry of the universe.

David Benson, the man behind the monikerSaid Sara”, has embarked on a fascinating musical journey. Known for his thunderous drumming in the death metal band Acephalix, Benson’s solo project is a stark contrast, digging into the ethereal realms of folk and introspection. His fifth and latest single, “Then There You Are,” is a moving exploration of loss, connection, and the lasting presence of loved ones.

Benson seamlessly blends his metal roots with the delicate nuances of acoustic folk. “Then There You Are” demonstrates this unique fusion. The song unfolds with a gentle acoustic guitar melody, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Benson’s vocals, rich and expressive, carry the listener through a journey of reflection and longing.

The track takes an unexpected turn midway through, with a surge of energy that hints at Benson’s metal background. This dynamic shift adds depth and complexity to the song, creating a multifaceted listening experience. Yet, the song ultimately returns to its folk roots, providing a sense of closure and resolution.

Lyrically, “Then There You Are” explores grief and the belief in a continued connection with the departed. Benson’s evocative imagery and personal reflections create a deeply intimate and relatable atmosphere. The song’s title itself is a powerful statement, suggesting a sense of comfort and reassurance in the face of loss.

The refrain, “Reveal yourself as freed / You’re the steam off Ganymede’s seas / The sparkling heart / Monitoring,” evokes a sense of liberation for the departed, who are now a part of the cosmic landscape. Ganymede, one of Jupiter’s moons, symbolizes vastness and mystery, reinforcing the idea that the presence of lost loved ones is felt in the grand, incomprehensible expanses of the universe.

Throughout the song, the repeated line “Reveal yourself as freed” serves as a mantra, a call for the departed to manifest in the small yet significant moments of our lives. The final imagery of “Protostar pristine / Green as goldenseal” conjures the birth of new stars and the healing properties of nature, suggesting renewal and hope. This lyrical journey culminates in the affirmation, “It don’t get more alright than that,” encapsulating a sense of peace and acceptance.

In “Then There You Are,” Said Sara crafts a lyrical narrative that is as introspective as it is expansive, inviting listeners to find solace in the enduring presence of their lost loved ones, woven into the very fabric of the cosmos.

‘Then There You Are’ was recorded at The Guest Room, San Francisco, CA and Yosemite Studios, San Francisco, CA, and was mastered  by Jesse Nichols at Atomic Garden West, Oakland, CA.


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