Annakye / Colours / Single Review


Colours’ potent blend of electrifying music and emotionally charged lyrics leaves a lasting impression, making Annakye a band to watch.

Annakye, the up-and-coming Aussie rock outfit, injects a jolt of energy with their new single, “Colours.” This alt-rock anthem expertly mixed and mastered by Brent Kolatalo (New York) showcases the band’s dynamic sound, further bolstered by the addition of vocalists Lucas and Camron in late 2022.

The track starts off mellow and subdued, setting the the scene, then the song explodes midway with a vibrant soundscape, a stark contrast to the lyrics’ melancholic themes about the rollercoaster of life with its unexpected turns, fading relationships, and the emotional toll it takes.  The vibrant “colours” represent joy and connection, while the “blue” and “dead” imagery signifies a descent into apathy and exhaustion.“All the colours… All my life these colours are so blue… dripping away from you” / “And the flowers there all dead just like you… (inside)”

Lines like “We made a pact, but it was never followed through” suggest broken promises and betrayal. The parenthetical “(Just like you)” adds bitterness, implying a repeating sequence of disappointment.

The chorus adds to the weariness with words like “So closed but hooked on you,” and “Exhausted by the feuds (so cold).” The images of “falling to my knees” and the “cold atmosphere” heighten the gravity of the situation.

The repeated phrase “So dead inside” is a powerful statement, representing a deep emotional numbness induced by incessant battling and pessimism.

Interestingly, the band’s decision to cover themselves and their instruments in white during the music video shoot, complete with splashes of bright paint, may as well physically depict the loss of vibrancy and  turbulent feelings portrayed in the lyrics.

Annakye’s “Colours” is a strong contender in the alt-rock scene. The song’s energetic instrumentation and powerful vocals complement the introspective lyrics that explore the heartbreak of a failing relationship. The clever use of metaphors and repetition adds depth and memorability to the track. It is the band’s seventh single since their debut in the music scene in late 2022. “Colours” will be available on all digital streaming platforms on Friday, April 12, 2024.

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Here's a sneak peek of the track in its entirety. Enjoy!

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