Seaside Wounds / Modern Gore / Single Review


Beat driven draped in hazy atmospherics, elegantly composed debut Single

It is hard to believe in this post-genre age that there was once a time when the makers and acolytes of guitar music and those who used synths and keyboards to create their soundscapes lived in separate worlds, sprawling, sonic empires that barely touched. Thankfully those tribal days are a distant memory and the world has grown up. Instruments are, after all, just the tool and music is actually instigated in the mind of the person wielding it.


Seaside Wounds could only exist in the modern age, when such rifts had been healed, demarcating barricades torn down and the worlds of shoe-gazing guitar and hazy dance music allowed to cohabit in the same space. The result of such a modern and open approach is IDM, dance music where the letter I stands equally for intelligent, instrumental and inspiring.


Modern Gore seems to wander through the consciousness of the listener, beat driven, but draped in hazy atmospherics, a spacious affair that takes in restrained and subtle dance moves, poppy sensibilities, trip-hop grooves and the echo of dreamy, shoe-gaze heard from a distance so that only the basic sonic shapes are important rather than the intricate details or specific riffs.


That Joseph Holiday, the man behind the musical mask of Seaside Wounds, has been writing electronic music for twenty years will come as no surprise to anyone listening to this song’s delicate charms, but it is perhaps the fact that he has a wealth of experience writing for film, TV and advertising which explains the music’s cinematic qualities, the perfect hybrid between dance tune, film score, incidental music and ambient chill-out. It is, perhaps, anything it chooses to be!


But for all its ambiguity, it is heart-achingly beautiful and elegantly composed. Sometimes you have to just forget about understanding something and just bathe in the afterglow of its exquisite charms and it doesn’t get more sonically charming than this.


Genres? Who needs them?



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