Daniel Blake / Here With Me / Single Review


Discover a lush rendition of the 1999 pop hit by Dido, stripped down and hypnotic.

Some people say music inspires, but we’d like to think voices inspire as well; especially when they are drenched in a rich musical history.  A history that’s deeply rooted beyond the, “Billboard Top 100,” into a realm that shaped musical genres and birth musical legends. With a history like that, it’s no surprise that Daniel Blake’s rendition of Dido’s 1999 debut hit Single “Here With Me,” is a beautifully interpreted introduction to his artistry if you’re only hearing about him now.

Last Fall, he debuted “Circle Mountain,” a five-track EP that was well crafted with pensive lyrics he wrote himself, outstanding vocals and polished overall production.

In this cover, each chord played so timeless and effortlessly even Dido would be impressed.   Not to be labeled as one dimensional, the entire cover is filled with instrumental prowess, erupting vocal presence, and sublime artistry. This guy really can do it all.

Perhaps it’s the subtle but beautiful elegance in his voice or the understated arrangements coupled with his harmonic melodies or maybe it’s the way his vocals embody the narrative of the song that fits Dido’s lyrics of an all enduring love: “I can’t hide, And I won’t go, I won’t sleep, And I can’t breathe, Until you’re resting here with me…”

Whatever it is, it awakens some of the same truths inside anyone who is listening and reminds us; “Real music still exists.”

Release Date: April 12, 2019
Genre: Alternative Rock

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