How To Get Playlisted on Spotify


You’re not just making music for yourself—you want to get heard, which means you want to get on playlists. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting your music in front of Spotify’s editorial team.

Some things to keep in mind:

The earlier you submit your music, the better. Spotify recommends at least 7 days before its release date. Try submitting 3-4 weeks in advance! (This is also required to have your submission included on Release Radar). You can work with your distributor to make sure it’s delivered to us ahead of this time.

  • Submitting a song doesn’t guarantee a place on an editorial playlist, but does give it the best chance.
  • It’s only possible to submit one song per artist profile at a time (even if you have more than one scheduled release).
  • If a release has both an explicit and clean version, both versions are submitted to our editors. If it’s selected, they choose the most appropriate version for a playlist.
  • You need to be listed as the main artist on the release to submit. The option is not available for featured artists or compilations.
  • Our editors reserve the right to creative control for their selections. This means they may choose to feature a different song from the release on their playlist.
  • It’s not possible to remove yourself from a playlist if your track is chosen for it. There’s no set amount of time it will stay on the playlist – it depends how well it resonates with listeners.
  • Anyone else with access to your profile on Spotify for Artists (e.g. managers), or the release on Spotify Analytics (e.g. label reps), can see and edit the submission. Any changes are displayed for all members.
  • It’s totally free to use, and it’s not possible to pay to increase your chances, nor can any external parties influence our editors.

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